Welcome to The Twisted Truth with Corey Wesley!
The Twisted Truth with Corey Wesley

Podcasts I Love:

Discover our favorite podcasts that inspire, entertain, and challenge the way we think. Tune in to these must-listen shows for truth, insight, and real talk! 🎧🔥

It's OK to Say Gay

During an era where proposed "Don't Say Gay" and anti-trans laws are growing across the U.S., It's OK to Say Gay celebrates LGBTQ+ voices while holding conversations that get allies to listen. Hosted by Femi Redwood, this series features engaging interviews, inclusive storytelling, and informative deep dives into issues affecting the queer community.

Celebrity Book Club with Steven & Lily

Celebrity memoirs aren’t like normal books—they’re fun! Join comedians Steven Phillips-Horst (@gossipbabies) & Lily Marotta (@lilyblueyez) as they rifle through the diaries of drug-addled starlets, oddly obsessive restaurateurs, brass-knuckled female realtors, and boring gay politicians’ even more boring gay husbands, finding fertile ground for searing cultural insights and juicy gossip. Mart…

Gay Future

The year is 2062 and everyone is gay. It’s a conservative’s worst nightmare: a totalitarian government rules over what’s left of North America to spread its insidious gay agenda. Humanity’s only hope for a rebellion rests on the shoulders of a precocious teenage boy who harbors a dark secret: He's straight. A new podcast adaptation of a recently discovered, never released YA novel by Mike Pence.